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Rhetorical strategies to ace your persuasive speech

It is being increasingly noticed that the persuasive speeches of many students are often on their legs. There is not a lot of life in the persuasive speeches that are being delivered these days. This is the reason why a lot of persuasive speeches fail to influence the audience. 

Students also tend to Write my essay and forget that rhetoric is essentially the art of effective communication and in the contemporary world, mastering this art is very important. People can understand the speaker better and there is a greater chance of convincing others that rhetorical strategies are used in daily life communication. Different types of persuasive speeches can also create a long-lasting effect on the masses if they have used rhetorical devices in the speech. Rhetoric appeals to emotions but in some cases, it also anchors logic or values shared by people in a community. 



What is a rhetorical device?

A rhetorical device refers to a word, phrase, or any linguistic style that can engage the audience or the readership by creating a dramatic effect. Apart from creating an effect that tends to engage the audience, a rhetorical device also triggers the thought process of the audience and makes them think about the topic in an unconventional manner. 

If you have been assigned to essay writing service and deliver a persuasive speech, this article will provide you with a handful of rhetorical devices that would assist you a lot while writing the speech.

Rhetorical Device # 1: 

Emotive language

Emotive language refers to a specific and particular selection of phrases and words that can instantly appeal to the emotions or in the words of Aristotle, pathos of the audience. This is another one of the most effective and persuasive techniques for speeches. For instance, in a speech if the following sentence is used,

Many Europeans died in the incident

This would appear as a simple sentence and would not appeal to the emotions of the audience.

On the contrary, if the following sentence is used,

Many Europeans laid their lives in the incident and it is the greatest peacetime loss in the recent past

Out of the two sentences, the latter appeals to the emotions relatively more. This is the power of emotive language and it can turn around any speech. 

Rhetorical Device # 2:


A tricolon is very effective because it leaves a lasting and strong impression on the audience. It basically refers to a set of three. It can be either 3 phrases, 3 words, or 3 clauses.

Let’s see an example.

They killed the cat and stole the gold and car.

They killed the cat. They stole the gold. They took the car.

Which one is more memorable? Right, the second statement is much more memorable and interesting. The same technique can be used with clauses and phrases. Dr. Martin Luther King also used this rhetorical device in his speech and that speech is the most famous piece of oration in the history of the Civil Rights Movement "essay writer". The technique in that speech is also known as Anaphora and it implies that the beginnings of successive sentences in a speech must be the same. 

Rhetorical Device # 3:

Rhetorical questions

While deploying this strategy, one has to find the right balance. If an open-ended question is asked in a persuasive speech, there are chances that the audience will start thinking about their answers without any context, independently. Therefore, emphasis on a specific keyword in the rhetorical question is an obligatory condition. For instance, if the persuasive speech is about convincing the audience about losing weight and eating healthy, the rhetorical question that can be used is as follows:

64% of all Americans are obese. Are you one of them?

This question can efficiently hammer the preceding statement and persuade the audience about the potential benefits of losing extra body weight. Rhetorical questions also tend to evoke emotions and can make the audience feel what they want to write my paper and feel. This also helps the members in the audience to believe in the speech. 

Rhetorical Device # 4:

Inclusive language

The usage of this rhetorical strategy can instil a sense of responsibility and inclusivity in the audience. Let’s see how! 

Everyone wants to feel included, therefore the usage of first-person plural pronouns will engage the audience and also extend the message to the audience. These first-person plural pronouns can include we and us. 

This strategy is also very effective because there is an important significance of us and them and it can easily convince readers to act in a certain way and not in the paper writing service. Through this approach, the speaker can easily exclude their audience from the unfavourable group and include them in a group that is normatively appreciated for its values and customs. 

Through this technique, the speaker can also use you. This is a very provocative technique and can ease things for the speaker in the persuasive speech. 

Rhetorical Device # 5:

Personal anecdotes

A personal anecdote is a short and personal experience about someone. Any TED talk which is most often a persuasive talk, is inclusive of a personal anecdote by the speaker. Sometimes the whole talk constitutes this anecdote. However, this must have a message that can easily support the thesis statement. The introduction of a complex idea and then making that idea more relatable to the demographics of the audience can easily make this approach really favorable for the speaker.  The audience has the need to feel what the speaker is feeling about themselves. This urge to empathize with the speaker is the only key to success in persuasive stories.